Real Brexit 1 month in – From IT services to dresses to skincare and live Horses the VAT implications
The (European Union) EU and the United Kingdom (UK) finally reached agreement on a Free Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA), avoiding a hard Brexit at the end of December. However, this does not change the fact that the UK has left the EU and therefore is no longer part of the EU single market and customs union and is now regarded as a third country.
The first real trading weeks since the UK departure have highlighted the very real issue for a number of clients and new contacts we are assisting on VAT matters. From understanding how VAT now applies on point of entry on the movement of goods and whether to remain as the ‘Importer of Record’ to the UK for Irish businesses. We have been advising Irish and UK based clients from a wide range of sectors around VAT treatments on trading from ladies dresses to skincare products and from IT services to live horses all in the last few weeks as trade items start to move between the UK and Ireland. Including assisting with potential registration for UK VAT with HMRC by Irish traders. If your business needs advice in these areas for B2B or B2C transactions between the UK and Ireland please contact us and we can assist.