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Registration for the Temporary Business Energy Support Scheme is now open

Nov 28, 2022

One of the positive announcements for businesses in Budget 2023 was the introduction of the Temporary Business Energy Support Scheme (TBESS) to reimburse businesses for the increase in energy costs. 

Registration for the scheme opened on 26th November and claims can be made from 5th December 2022. The scheme will cover the period from 1st September 2022 to 28th February 2023 with the deadline for a claim being 4 months from the end of the month for which the claim relates (i.e. 31st January 2023 for a September 2022 claim). Where a business has seen an increase in energy costs of over 50% from the corresponding month in the prior year then it will be entitled to claim for 40% of the increase. 

A claim is limited to a cap of €10,000 per month per business line or €30,000 per month where more than two business lines with separate MPRNs exist. Given the significant energy cost increases for business we would anticipate a high participation in the scheme with the government setting aside €1.2bn for the energy bill subsidies. 

We would encourage you to speak to us about registration and submission of claims to ensure timely compliance with the scheme.

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